Crab Traps
Rainbow staff have serviced commercial crab fisherman in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Quebec since the first trap was introduced to fisherman in Atlantic Canada. Members of our staff back in the late 60’s, along with professionals from Ireland helped forge the beginning of the industry by helping the design and the training of the trap we use today.
Rainbow today is still playing a role in trap building, supplying fisherman and researchers with traps, rope, buoys, and other accessories. The traps we manufacture today vary in shape from the square box type to circular type pots. The box trap style, used primarily in the Alaskan king crab fisheries, varies from a 6ft to 7ft trap and can be made from netting or wire mesh. More common in the Atlantic Region are the Snow Crab traps 6ft, & 7ft and the Green or Jonah Crab trap 3ft & 4ft. These traps possess a common construction that consists of a welded steel ring frame, netting, twine, rope and cone. The frame gives the trap its shape and helps in the sinking of the trap, the cone aids in the capture and escape of the crab and the ropes used are a combination of poly and leaded/poly combination that help with the floating and sinking at certain depths.